氙灯老化试验箱采用能模拟全阳光光谱的氙弧灯来再现不同环境下存在的破坏性光波,可以为科研、产品开发和质量控制提供相应的环境模拟和加速试验,又名" 阳光辐射防护试验装置”,采用能摸拟全阳光光谱的氙弧灯来再现不同环境下存在的破坏性光波。通过试样暴露在氙弧灯的光照及热辐射下进行老化试验,来评价在高温光源作用下材料的耐光、耐候性能。主要用于油漆、涂料、橡胶、塑料、颜料、粘合剂、织物、化妆品、航空航天、舰艇船舶、汽车、电子行业、包装行业等。
The xenon lamp aging test chamber uses a xenon arc lamp that can simulate the full sunlight spectrum to reproduce the destructive light waves existing in different environments, which can provide corresponding environmental simulation and acceleration tests for scientific research, product development and quality control, also known as the "solar radiation protection test device", and uses a xenon arc lamp that can simulate the full sunlight spectrum to reproduce the destructive light waves existing in different environments. The aging test is carried out by exposing the sample to the light and thermal radiation of xenon arc lamp to evaluate the light and weather resistance of the material under the action of high temperature light source.
Xenon lamp aging test chamber is mainly used in paint, coatings, rubber, plastics, pigments, adhesives, fabrics, cosmetics, aerospace, ships, automobiles, electronics industry, packaging industry and so on.